The shrinkage cracking of concrete is a major technical problem that has long plagued the engineering industry.
Engineering practice has shown that over 80% of cracks in concrete structures are caused by different shrinkage deformations.
Shrinkage cracks can cause structural leakage, accelerate the transmission rate of harmful ions, and in severe cases, threaten the long-term safety of the structure and shorten its service life.
With the advancement of major infrastructure projects in China towards harsh environments such as high plateaus, deserts, and oceans with large temperature differences, extreme dryness, and strong corrosion, as well as the scarcity of high-quality raw material resources and the widespread use of industrial waste, the complexity of concrete composition has become increasingly prominent, leading to shrinkage cracking and the resulting damage to concrete.
How to suppress the shrinkage and cracking of concrete is an urgent problem that needs to be solved in concrete engineering construction, and it is also a hot research topic.